You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Docupresentment Issues > Can I use a unique ID passed to IDS to name an output file?

Can I use a unique ID passed to IDS to name an output file?

For instance, if the MQ message being passed to IDS contains a unique ID request number, such as WOI123456, can you name the output file produced by Documaker using that ID number, for example: WOI123456.pdf?

To do this you have to submit the PRINTBATCHES input attachment variable and then include additional input attachment variables named PRINTBATCHESX for each output file were X denotes the print batch file number, as described under the input attachment variables section for the RPDCreateJob rule in Using the Documaker Bridge:

Here is an example:


The system will then use the values 111.pdf, 222.pdf, and 333.pdf for the output files.